Hell no sweetheart do what you want to do wear what you want to and be who you want to be it doesn’t matter how old you are you’re always as young as you feel and in your heart and who gives a shit what other people think about what you wear or what you look like it’s a free country again I say do what you want to do and just be yourself who cares what everybody else thinks Heck no. Every day for two years Fran pulled my shirtails out as I left the Buffalo Bills Dalton Kincaid most receptions shirt and by the same token and house. Is now my preferred mode. I’m 63. The style is drifting back to tucked, and i’m sure I’ll be 5 years behind that too, but for now I’m shirtails out all the way. Dress shirts are untucked, golf shirts are untucked. Long sleeve T’s untucked is a great winter look, imo.
