Do calorie deficit diet and cardio to lose fat and do some crunches and hip raises to tone the Michigan Wolverines big ten trophy national champions players shirt Apart from…,I will love this abs area to make it look thinner. “Size small shirts fit loose on me and I have a thin waist. I have good amount of muscle. But I still don’t have a flat stomach and have some love handles. Should I get even thinner to get a flat stomach or should I accept this is as good as it gets?” The time in my life I lost the most off my waste was boot camp. In my case Navy recruit training. We marched a LOT. Those phrases are probably too short to be copyrighted. I’d be more worried about whether they are trademarked. If you really want to know if you can use these phrases on mugs, etc., hire an attorney. Such phrases are very likely not trademarked. I use that term instead of copyright since they are the type of phrases not generally covered under copyright law. Companies trademark all sorts of taglines to go with their brands and I cannot guarantee you that none of these have legal protection. The task of discovery to determine if they are completely free of legal entanglements is probably way too costly. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice, but I would suggest that you can go ahead and put them on products. If you receive a cease and desist notice then you will have found out the easy way that the phrase is legally protected. By the way, if you do get such a letter, follow it up with a request for the paperwork proving the assertion.

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